Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wait! I have a blog?!

Long story: I have papers to avoid grading, plus, I have to brag on my sweet little boy. He hurt his ankle leaping down a flight of stairs (*I* had sort of made him: "No, I don't mean 'Yell louder than I just yelled,' I mean, get up and go downstairs and tell the others that dinner's ready.") and he jumped, so ow. 

I schlepp him out to Urgent Care, and there's another sick little kid in the waiting room, and we got called back first; triage, x-rays, lip-biting bravery. It's "only" a sprain, and as the nurse and I were trying to figure out the rigging for his bandage, he picked up the package insert and read calmly, "Ok, mom, it says 'Invert foot and initially pull the lower lateral strap vertically until firm medial tension is achieved. THEN bring across the foot and secure medially at the top. Check for evert tension before securing second strap.' Ok? So, that one first." 

The nurse looked at me. "He's TEN?" She said.

On the way home, he said, "It was kind of fun to wow that nurse." 

"Yes, honey," I said, "I was pretty proud of you, like I always am. I love how smart you are! But always remember that even if it's nice to be important and smart, it's way more smart and important to be nice. But yes, I think that nurse didn't expect you to be so . . . bookish." 

"I can't blame her if she's not," he said; "people in the medical business pretty much have to work full-time."

I nodded and breathed through my mouth so that I wouldn't laugh at his adorableness.

"Besides," he added, "That little girl in the waiting room was really really sick. I prayed for her in my head. I think maybe I got hurt so I could be there to pray for her."

"Well that was a very kind gesture. I'm so happy you told me that."

"I know."

...and this is why he is completely entitled to say that he is immensely awesome.