Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another blog, another blogger

This is my new blog. First thing I'm going to do is fill it up with old things. Old posts from old and abandoned blogs, updates; newspaper columns. For a while in the 1990s, I had a humor column in the Provo Daily Herald, a claim to fame about on par with having your very own gym sock dangling from a power line above the Junior High School. But I'm going to draw attention to it, or at least, I'm going to own it: the gym sock that was "Present Imperfect" is now a clump of something indistinguishable, posted here, and, intermixed thereinto, new posts. I won't differentiate, but I won't edit heavily either, so if you see a reference to, say, my daughter enjoying the Backstreet Boys, you will know it's probably not new news, and as a bonus, you can assume that my daughter has disowned me, since she now despises all vestiges of the pop culture of her youth. I will sometimes get lost in sentences far too long to be healthy; many of them will have semicolons; I have this thing where I believe I freaking OWN the semicolon. And I do. But my point, which, somewhere: yes; my point is that I plan to have content, here, Content. Old, but there. Here. Whatever. This way, at least for the nonce (look it up) I will appear far more currently prolific than I am, and there will be, such as may be, "an archive" of posts, instead of a pathetic three posts, left abandoned and flapping in the cyber wind like my old failed blogs, or like a gym sock on a power line.

I'll let you know when I strike it rich in America.

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